The Pennsylvania Coal Alliance advocates for public policy that promotes effective and efficient bituminous coal mining operations that ensure miner safety and minimize environmental impacts.
Today, several regulatory and legislative initiatives are threatening the use of Pennsylvania coal. Unlike any other fuel source in Pennsylvania, coal provides the most affordable, flexible, reliable, and secure form of energy and is an integral component of steel making and our nation’s infrastructure.
We encourage you to learn more about these challenges and voice your opinion by writing to your elected officials. The links below can help you identify your representatives.
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf is attempting bypass the traditional legislative process to have Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). RGGI would result in a carbon tax on air emissions from fossil fueled power plants, which are some of the most reliable and efficient providers of energy in the Commonwealth. This tax would lead to the closure of several of these power plants, resulting in the direct elimination of thousands of family-sustaining jobs and increases in the cost of electricity for all the Commonwealth’s energy consumers.
The PA Coal Alliance provides its members with valuable resources. Visit this page frequently for important updates and information
Regulatory & Technical Activity
Equipment Guidelines for use of a methane monitor and circuit breaker to interrupt power to permissible pumps in a return air course
Battery Powered Rubber Tire Personnel Carriers
Coal Refuse Disposal Temporary Cessation Regulations
Minimum Specifications for Methane Reduction Flares
CO2 Budget Trading Program
Prohibiting Electronic Liquid-Vaporizing Devices at Underground Bituminous Coal Mines
Liners and Caps for Coal Refuse Disposal Areas Technical Guidance Document
Longwall High Voltage Cable Splicing Technical Specifications
Remining Sub F and Sub G Technical Guidance Document December 11, 2021
Guidelines for Chain Pillar Development and Longwall Mining Adjacent to Unconventional Wells
Standard Operating Procedure for District Mining Office Evaluation of Noise During Permit Review
Water Supply Replacement Final Regulation
Civil Penalty Assessments for Coal Mining Operations 562-4180-306
Other Resources
PA Legislation
Contact Your Legislators
Please take a moment to contact your elected officials to support Senate Bill 119 (SB119) and House Bill 637 (HB637). These bills would require legislative approval before Pennsylvania is allowed to unilaterally impose a carbon tax that would impose a significant cost on Pennsylvania consumers and businesses.
It only takes a few minutes to make your voice heard. You can find your representatives with the links below.